Will Opening a Window Increase Hvac Supply Side Readings

one.ane COVID-19 is mainly transmitted by close contact and respiratory droplets which are released when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or sings. Information technology can also be spread through virus aerosols in the air under sure settings, such every bit enclosed environments which are poorly ventilated. Hence, information technology is critical to mitigate this risk by improving ventilation and air quality in indoor environments.

1.two This Guidance Notation provides building owners and facilities managers with updated recommended measures to raise ventilation and air quality in indoor spaces, through the proper operations and maintenance of air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV)ane systems. It is aimed at reducing disease transmission amid the current COVID-19 situation and resurgence of community cases. Earlier versions of this document were issued on 25 May 2021 and 29 May 2020.

one.three This Guidance Note applies to non-residential premises where air conditioning is used intermittently or continuously, equally well as to naturally ventilated premises, with the exception of specialised boundsiisuch as sure factory production areas, hospitals, polyclinics, and laboratories. Advice from subject matter experts and specialists should be sought for specialised premises.

1.iv Occupants of residential homes may improve home ventilation by opening doors and windows, especially when hosting not-household guests. Fans can be used to promote air circulation when needed.

1.5 The recommended measures in this Guidance Note should be accompanied by other fundamental measures to reduce illness transmission, such as requiring building occupants to practise safe distancing, wearing masks, and carrying out regular disinfection of high-touch points within the building3.

1.half-dozen A comprehensive plan should exist created for safety direction of indoor spaces, including developing communication plans to garner support from occupants, increasing ventilation, and ensuring supply of critical items such equally filters. Managers should tailor the measures to each space, maximising ventilation while taking factors such every bit the type of ventilation arrangement in the indoor space, the surface area of the indoor space, occupants' thermal comfort, and relative humidity into consideration. Indoor relative humidity should be closely monitored and maintained according to Singapore Standard SS554:2016 Lawmaking of Do for Indoor Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings.

2. Measures for air-conditioned premises with mechanical ventilation provision (eastward.g. centralised air-conditioning system)

ii.i Ensure that ventilation systems are in skilful working social club:

a. Check ACMV systems to ensure adequate ventilation in all occupied spaces, based on at least the minimum outdoor air supply rates specified in Singapore Standard SS553:2016 Code of Do for Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings4. Use of sensors and systems for monitoring outdoor air supply charge per unit should be considered.
b. Check AHUs/FCUs/PAUs/FAFs/EAFs5daily to ensure continuous operation, peculiarly in occupied spaces.
c. Check all supply air diffusers and exhaust grilles to ensure airflow motion is in the right direction.
d. Maintain ACMV systems regularly. This includes inspecting and cleaning supply fans and exhaust fans to ensure optimal operation, checking air ducts and dampers to ensure no air leakages or blockages, and checking filter seals to avoid air featherbed. Recommended maintenance frequencies are specified in SS554:2016 Addendum H. Replacement of filters should be washed during non-operational periods, with the ACMV system turned off. Used filters should be properly disposed of in sealed bags. Maintenance staff should wear the appropriate PPE, comprising at to the lowest degree N95 masks, centre protection, and gloves, especially when replacing filters.
e. Bank check other systems to ensure in that location is no undesired air leakage into occupied spaces, including water seals in the sanitary system, cracks in pipes and ducts, and wall gaps. Rectify faults detected.

2.2 Maximise ventilation for indoor air dilution:

a. Maximise outdoor air intake and supply by setting AHUs/FCUs/PAUs/FAFs/EAFs to maximum speed and capacity with all air dampers (e.g. book control dampers) opened fully. Increment outdoor air supply rate to at to the lowest degree x L/s/person if the organization can conform thishalf dozen.
b. Deactivate need control systems, such as those with CO2 sensors, to avert automatic reduction of outdoor air supply.
c. Open up all air dampers and do non block air ducts to ensure optimal provision of outdoor air to all occupied spaces.
d. The air distribution organisation should be balanced to ensure outdoor air provision to all intended spaces.
e. Operate exhaust fans (e.g. in toilets, kitchens) at total capacity to expel air from indoor spaces. Keep windows and other openings (due east.m. back door) around exhaust fans closed to avoid brusque-circuiting of air flow.
f. Install additional supply and/or exhaust fans if the existing system does not deliver sufficient outdoor air7.
g. If the system does not let for increasing the ventilation up to the recommended minimum per person requirement, consider reducing the maximum room occupancy.

2.3 Purge indoor air before occupancy:

a. Perform air purging at least once a day and for at least two hours earlier each occupancy. Increased purging frequency can be considered for spaces with high disease manual risk8.
b. For buildings without air purging systems, extend performance of ACMV systems with outdoor air intake for ii hours before and later each occupancy.

two.4 Minimise indoor air recirculation; use efficient filters in AHUs to treat recirculated air :

a. Set recirculation air dampers to a minimum.
b. Use efficient filters (at least MERV14, F8, or ePM1 70-eighty% is recommended) in AHUs to care for recirculated air. Filters should exist properly installed and maintained according to manufacturers' recommendation.
c. Utilize of air-cleaning technologies such equally ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) in AHUs may be considered to broaden efficient filters. Efficacy and condom of all air-cleaning devices under the operating weather condition must be considered.
d. Switch off rotatory rut changers or estrus recovery wheels to reduce risk of comport-over leakage from frazzle air.

2.5 Increase ventilation in bounds with express ventilation and air filtration provision (e.grand. meeting rooms with only FCU):

a. Open operable windows and doors as frequently as possibleix, unless outdoor/outside air quality is poor. Air conditioning should be reduced or turned off when doors and/or windows are opened.
b. Consider positioning fans to blow air out of windows to increase air commutation.
c. Consider adding dedicated outdoor air supply and/or exhaust7.
d. Where in that location is a loftier risk8 of illness transmission, localised air cleaning may be considered as an interim measure, in line with the recommendation for spaces without mechanical ventilation (please see sections 3.3 and iii.4).

3. Measures for enclosed air-conditioned premises without mechanical ventilation provision (eastward.g. split-unit air-conditioners or FCUs without fresh air supply)

3.1 Increase ventilation and enhance air exchange:

a. Open operable windows and doors as frequently equally possiblenine, unless outdoor air quality is poor. Ac should be reduced or turned off when doors and/or windows are opened.
b. Consider adding dedicated outdoor air supply and/or exhaustseven.
c. Operate exhaust fans (east.one thousand. in toilets, kitchens) at total capacity to expel air from indoor spaces. Proceed windows or other openings (east.g. dorsum door) around exhaust fans closed to avoid short-circuiting of air menstruum.

iii.2 Consider installing window-mounted exhaust fans to enhance ventilation:

a. The fan systems should at to the lowest degree provide the minimum air changes specified in SS553:2016.
b. Air supply and exhaust system can exist aligned to provide uni-directional airflow in a poorly ventilated space.
c. To cater for occasions of poor outdoor air quality (due east.1000. brume), consider getting fans with coverings that can comprehend upward the fans when needed. Equally a longer-term solution, supply air fans fitted with efficient filters (at least MERV14, F8, or ePM1 70-80% is recommended) tin also be considered to maintain adept ventilation during haze episodes. Such systems should be installed by professionals to ensure good filtration and supply air distribution.

3.3 In enclosed spaces with high riskviiiof disease transmission, portable air cleaners for localised air cleaning may exist considered every bit an interim measure:

a. Portable air cleaners should be equipped with high-efficiency air filters such as HEPA filters, which are effective at removing virus aerosols.
b. The clean air commitment rate (CADR) or equivalent of a portable air purifier should exist used to determine the size and number of portable air cleaner devices needed in a spaceten.
c. If present, the portable air cleaner's ozone generation function should be turned off to avoid potential exposure to excessive levels of ozone and undesirable by-products, which may exist hazardous to health.
d. The utilise of portable air cleaners should be considered an acting measure. Air cleaning does not supplant the need for acceptable ventilation. Regular surface cleaning and disinfection3 should also continue, as portable air cleaners do not remove surface contamination.
e. Please refer to NEA'due south Technical Informational on Apply of Air-Cleaning Technologies to Mitigate COVID-19 Aerosol Manual Risk for more information on the use of portable air cleaners.

3.iv Where ceiling height allows, upper-room UVGI may exist considered for air cleaning. As viral disinfection efficacy and safety (UV-C radiation can cause injury to the optics and skin) are greatly dependent on the organization and how it is installed and maintained, professional services must be used. Delight refer to NEA's Technical Advisory on Utilise of Air-Cleaning Technologies to Mitigate COVID-19 Droplets Transmission Adventure for more information.


Cheque other systems to ensure there is no undesired air leakage into occupied spaces

, including h2o seals in the sanitary organization, cracks in pipes and ducts, and wall gaps. Rectify faults detected.

iv. Measures for naturally ventilated premises

four.1 Natural ventilation is atmospheric condition dependent. It could be express to the areas around windows and doors (perimeter zones), with fiddling air exchange in the inner portion of the space (internal zones). Cantankerous ventilation is significantly more than effective than single-sided ventilation (east.1000. when the opening exists merely at 1 side of the space).

4.2 Increase natural ventilation with enhancement by fans:

a. Continue windows and/or doors open at all times, unless outdoor air quality is poor or the atmospheric condition condition does not allow.
b. Position fans at windows to accident air outwards and increase air exchange
c. Operate exhaust fans (e.g. toilet, kitchen) at full capacity to expel air grade the indoor space. Keep windows or other openings (e.g. back door) around exhaust fans closed to avoid short-circuiting of air menstruation.

4.iii Consider installing window-mounted exhaust fans to heighten ventilation:

a. The fan organisation should at least provide the minimum air changes specified in SS553:2016.
b. Air supply and exhaust system can be aligned to provide uni-directional airflow in a poorly ventilated infinite.


Check other systems to ensure in that location is no undesired air leakage into occupied spaces

, including water seals in the sanitary system, cracks in pipes and ducts, and wall gaps. Rectify faults detected.

5. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels equally a proxy for ventilation

5.one To appraise the adequacy of ventilation, measurement of ventilation rate is required. If this is not possible or difficult to determine, COtwo levels in occupied areas may be used as a proxy for ventilation adequacy.

5.2 Managers may use CO2 readings to place pockets of under-ventilated spaces or overcrowding, and then that prompt action can exist taken to improve the situation. Quick assessment can be done by taking readings over a menses of at least five minutes per sampling location, in occupied areas at breathing zones. In spaces with a dynamic oversupply, managers could implement abiding monitoring by installing CO2 sensors with visible displays in occupied areas or take spot measurements especially during high occupancy.

v.3 COii levels exceeding 1100 ppm indicate inadequate ventilation or potential overcrowding. SS554:2016 recommends an indoor CO2 limit of non more than 700 ppm in excess of outdoor levels. With ambient outdoor CO2 levels at nearly 400 ppm, the limit is therefore approximately 1100 ppm.

five.four In view of the current COVID-19 situation, managers are advised to aim for CO2 levels below 800 ppm over the measurement period11,12,thirteen.

5.5 While high CO2 levels point poor ventilation and/or overcrowding, CO2 levels may not be direct correlated to chance of exposure to virus, as other risk factors may be involved. Good ventilation and existing measures (masks, rubber distancing, cleaning) are still needed even if CO2 levels are within the recommended limits.

6.i Further reference tin can be made to SS553:2016 Addendum D and similar guidance documents published by ASHRAE14, REHVA12, and WHO6.


vi. Oftentimes Asked Questions

Scope of Guidance Note

Q1. Is information technology mandatory to comply with the guidelines in the Guidance Note?
No. While the recommendations are not mandatory by police force, building owners and facilities managers should take active steps to improve ventilation, as this would reduce the take a chance of COVID-xix transmission through the dilution and removal of virus aerosols from indoor spaces. Building owners and facilities managers should develop their individual performance plans, taking reference from the Guidance Annotation and because the existing building condition, to best meet the needs of their ain buildings.

Q2. Exercise the guidelines utilise to non-commercial buildings such equally schools and community centres?
The guidelines apply to non-residential bounds, including non-commercial buildings, schools and customs centres, except for specialised premises such as certain factory production areas, hospitals, polyclinics and laboratories.

Q3. Are in that location plans to enforce against operators whose premises have loftier COii readings?  Would measures to ameliorate ventilation be mandated under legislation?
The recommended indoor COtwo limits of 800ppm and 1,100ppm are guidelines under SS554:2016 Code of Practice for Indoor Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings*, which is a voluntary standard and is not currently mandated. Notwithstanding, building owners, facility managers and occupants all accept a role to play in maintaining skillful indoor CO2 levels and adequate ventilation to reduce indoor manual of COVID-19.

While high COii levels are an indicator of inadequate ventilation or potential overcrowding, the direct correlation between CO2 levels and hazard of exposure to the COVID-nineteen virus is not established, as risk tin also exist affected by other factors such equally compliance with rubber distancing, proper masks-wearing, and the presence of infected persons. Also skilful ventilation, measures such every bit mask-wearing, safe distancing, cleaning are all the same needed even if COtwo levels are inside the recommended limits.

[*Note: Under SS554, CO2 levels of >700 ppm in excess of outdoor level (approx. 1,100ppm), indicate poor ventilation or overcrowding. In COVID-nineteen situation, it is recommended that CO2 levels should not exceed an average of 800ppm over the measurement period.]


Q4. As different premises may exist configured differently, does BCA/NEA/MOH have specific guidance to premises with COtwo levels higher than 800ppm to assist them bring down the COii levels at their premises?  Who can the premises possessor/operators reach out for clarification and technical advice on how to improve ventilation at their premises?
The revised Guidance Note provides building owners and facilities managers with updated recommended measures to enhance ventilation and air quality in indoor spaces.

For more than detailed assessments, building owners and facilities managers may also engage consultants or professional engineers to provide technical advice and recommendations co-ordinate to your needs. A list of mechanical professional engineers and their contact details can be found here: https://get.gov.sg/professional-engineer. A list of BCA-registered contractors offering air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation works tin can be found here: https://become.gov.sg/bca-registered-contractors.

Q5. My premises is enclosed and air-conditioned without mechanical ventilation provision. What should I do to amend ventilation?
Information technology is recommended to install supply or exhaust fans to innovate outdoor air into the enclosed spaces.

Opening operable doors and windows, if it is safe to practice so, can also be considered to increase natural ventilation. Air-conditioning systems should be reduced or turned off when doors and windows are opened to minimise free energy wastage. If at that place are existing air exhaust systems, such as toilet frazzle fans, the frazzle fans should be operating at full capacity continuously.

In the event that these options are non possible or viable, you may consider localised air cleaning equally an interim measure. Portable air cleaners with HEPA filters may be used to help remove virus aerosols.

However, localised air cleaning will not ameliorate ventilation in the indoor infinite. Edifice owners of such spaces should make plans for mechanical ventilation where possible. You lot may wish to engage consultants or professional person engineers to provide technical communication and recommendations according to your needs. A list of mechanical professional engineers and their contact details can be found here: https://go.gov.sg/professional person-engineer. A listing of BCA-registered contractors offer air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation works can be found here: https://go.gov.sg/bca-registered-contractors.

Q6. How tin can I determine if my workplace is sufficiently ventilated?
While there is currently no international standard for a minimum ventilation rate that would sufficiently forbid the risk of COVID-nineteen disease transmission in indoor spaces, WHO recommends a ventilation rate of at least 10L/south per pax. Ventilation rates tin exist calculated or measured based on the ventilation systems selected.

Safe distancing measures for building occupants, wearing of masks and regular cleaning of high-touch points are proven key measures that would significantly reduce the risk of COVID-xix transmission. Increasing ventilation farther reduces the risk of disease transmission through dilution and removal of infectious agents from an indoor space.

Q7. Does the virus spread via the ACMV system? Volition the increased ventilation spread the virus from 1 zone to the other?
It is commonly accustomed that well-controlled ventilation systems incorporating high efficiency filtration of recirculated air will assist to reduce the run a risk of aerosol manual through air dilution and air cleaning. Directionality of ventilation air should be considered to facilitate air movement from clean-to-less-clean areas. Increased ventilation brings in more than outdoor air, and will dilute any contamination, thus reducing the risk of aerosol manual in an indoor environment. All the same the importance of increasing ventilation, other key measures to reduce illness manual should proceed, such as safe distancing, wearing masks properly, and carrying out regular disinfection of high-impact points within the building.

Q8. What should the building owners and facility managers look out for when checking the ACMV systems? Is there a checklist that we tin refer to?
Building owners and facility managers should ensure that the ventilation systems are properly installed and operated co-ordinate to specifications and relevant standards. For example, these systems should be designed in accordance with SS553:2016 Lawmaking of Exercise for Air conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings (for building/occupancy types non listed in SS553:2016, ASHRAE 62.1 should be used as reference) and SS554:2016 Lawmaking of Do for Indoor Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings. A checklist can be found in SS554 Addendum G. In addition, boosted measures to mitigate COVID-nineteen take a chance could exist found in the Guidance Notation, e.g. ensuring that demand control systems, such as those with COtwo sensors, are deactivated to avoid automatic reduction of outdoor air supply.

Q9. How oft should maintenance of ACMV systems be carried out?
The recommended frequency of maintenance for diverse ACMV components tin be found in SS553:2016 Code of Do for Air-conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings and SS554:2016: Code of Practice for Indoor Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings. In addition to the recommended maintenance frequency, please too follow the recommendations specified in the latest Guidance Note.

Q10. My premises is located within a building (e.g. shopping mall) with mechanical ventilation system and I have no control over the building's ventilation system. What can I do to improve ventilation within my premises?
Building owners and facilities managers should ensure that the building's ventilation systems are properly maintained and in good working status to provide adequate ventilation in all spaces, including worker resting areas. Every bit tenants and occupants of the edifice, you may wish to engage the facilities managers to discuss ventilation issues and ensure that there is adequate ventilation within your premises. Where possible, you may too keep the windows or doors open to meliorate ventilation inside your bounds.

Air Cleaning

Q11. How effective are ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) and high-course filters in dealing with the virus?
The efficacy of UVGI against a range of microbes has been demonstrated by numerous studies, which take found that applying UV-C radiations can inactivate the virus. The effectiveness of this technology depends on many factors in a UVGI organisation'due south blueprint and operation, such as its structural pattern, lamp design, and effective contact time. When using UVGI, care needs to exist taken to protect occupants from exposure to UV radiation.

Filters can remove particles of with varying efficiencies. Filters with rating of at least MERV 14, F8, or ePM1 70-80% are necessary to essentially remove fine particles, including most viruses and bacteria. To achieve optimal efficiencies, filters should be properly installed and maintained.

In spaces where there is a high take a chance of aerosol transmission, upper-room UVGI may exist considered for air cleaning if the ceiling heights let. UVGI systems must be installed by professionals, equally viral disinfection efficacy and safety are greatly dependent on the organization and how it is installed and maintained. More information on air cleaning is bachelor in NEA'southward Technical Advisory on Use of Air-Cleaning Technologies to Mitigate COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission Run a risk.

Q12. Does BCA/NEA/MOH approve or provide specifications for air-cleaning technologies that can be used to reduce airborne contaminants?
The agencies exercise not corroborate nor provide specifications for any air-cleaning technologies. Interested edifice owners and facility managers should seek professional services and consult various vendors for solutions of their involvement. Building owners and facility managers are also encouraged to exercise caution and to ensure that product claims and the intended use of the product are supported by efficacy and condom data.

Delight refer to NEA's Technical Advisory on Use of Air-Cleaning Technologies to Mitigate COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission Take chances for more information.

Q13. How can I select and size portable air cleaners for my premises?
Portable air cleaners or portable air-filtering devices are often equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. Products with HEPA filters are recommended for apply in environments with higher take a chance of COVID-19 transmission, while products with non-HEPA filters may be used in lower-risk environments.

When choosing a portable air-filtering device, select a unit of measurement that is accordingly sized for the infinite. The minimum smoke Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) that a unit of measurement should provide for a particular room size tin can be estimated as follows, co-ordinate to AHAM Air-conditioning-1 standard:

smoke CADR (cmh) ≥ room size (cubic meter) × 5

For example, a room with a floor surface area of 24 grandtwo and a ceiling height of 2.6 yard (room volume of 62.4 mthree) volition demand a portable air-filtering device with a minimum smoke CADR of 62.iv 10 5 = 312 cmh (i.e. 184 cfm).

Please refer to NEA's Technical Informational on Use of Air-Cleaning Technologies to Mitigate COVID-nineteen Droplets Transmission Gamble for more information.

Free energy Consumption

Q14. How volition the recommended guidelines affect edifice energy efficiency/ employ? Specifically, what is the impact of increased ventilation on energy?
We anticipate an increase in energy consumption past ACMV systems for occupied spaces, due to the recommendations for increased outdoor air supply and extended operating hours. Even so, the overall electricity consumption of buildings is expected to drop with the reduced building occupancy during COVID-19 period.

Design Standard

Q15. Is there any additional ventilation requirement that volition be introduced in new construction for buildings in future? How should ventilation systems in new buildings be designed to support Business Continuity Plans while coping with potential pandemic situations?
There is currently no boosted ventilation requirement due to COVID-nineteen, other than what is recommended in SS553:2016: Lawmaking of Exercise for Ac and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings and SS554:2016 Code of Practice for Indoor Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings. Managers are as well advised to refer to SS553 Annex D and SS554 Addendum Thou, which contain boosted recommendations for performance of ACMV systems amongst the pandemic, including maximising outdoor air supply, purging indoor air, and installing efficient filters in ACMV systems to care for recirculated air.

In view of potential pandemic situations similar to COVID-xix, information technology would exist ideal for buildings to be designed with resiliency features that provide operational flexibility – normal operation mode vs epidemic style.

For instance, systems could be designed to let a wider operational range of outdoor air intake and accommodate high efficiency filters.

Notes and references

[1] ACMV systems include air handling units and fan coil units such as cassette- or wall-mounted types.

[2] Specialised premises refer to those with ACMV systems that autumn exterior the scope of SS553:2016 Code of Do for Air Workout and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings.

[3] National Surroundings Agency - Environmental Cleaning Guidelines. https://www.nea.gov.sg/our-services/public-cleanliness/environmental-cleaning-guidelines

[iv] For edifice/occupancy types not listed in SS553:2016, ASHRAE 62.one should be used every bit reference.

[v] AHU: air handling unit; FCU: fan coil unit; PAU: master/pre-cool air handling unit; FAF: fresh air fan; EAF: frazzle air fan.

[6] World Health Organization - Roadmap to amend and ensure good indoor ventilation in the context of COVID-nineteen. https://www.who.int/publications/i/detail/9789240021280

[7] To avoid mould growth due to condensation caused past introduction of excessive boiling outdoor air, outdoor air may be treated by a dedicated outdoor air processing system. The outdoor air system can be designed such that efficient filters (at to the lowest degree MERV14, F8, or ePM1 70-eighty% is recommended) can be fitted when necessary. The filters will be useful during times when windows cannot exist opened due to poor outdoor air quality.

[8] Such spaces include those where bioaerosol-generating procedures are performed on people (e.g. nasopharyngeal swab taking and dental procedures), where COVID-19 patients may be present, or where masks must be removed.

[9] European CDC - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems in the context of COVID-nineteen: starting time update, Nov 2020. https://www.ecdc.europa.european union/en/publications-information/heating-ventilation-air-workout-systems-covid-19

[10] The size and number of portable air cleaner devices used shall exist based on CADR. If the unit of CADR is in m3/h, the total CADR of the air purifier(s) should exist at least 5 times the room volume in giii. In enclosed spaces where ventilation cannot be easily improved (east.grand. no operable doors or windows), CADR of vii times the room volume should be considered.

[11] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Ventilation in Buildings. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/ventilation.html

[12] Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning Associations (REHVA) - REHVA COVID xix Guidance version 4.1: How to operate HVAC and other building service systems to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-two) disease (COVID-19) in workplaces. https://www.rehva.eu/activities/covid-xix-guidance/rehva-covid-xix-guidance

[xiii] Draft Amendment No. i to SS554: 2016. https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/-/media/37324ECF5FF7448F9C43021E69EE0D78.ashx

[fourteen] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers https://www.ashrae.org/technical-resource/resource


Source: https://www.nea.gov.sg/our-services/public-cleanliness/environmental-cleaning-guidelines/advisories/guidance-on-improving-ventilation-and-indoor-air-quality-in-buildings-amid-the-covid-19-situation

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